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Service mini chiller

Service Coldstorage

Service water chiller

Service Pendingin Resto

pasang cooling tower 5.jpg IMG_20190301_110408.jpg service coldstrage first love.jpg ac by.jpg

Pemasangan Cooling tower

Pembuatan mini chiller Pasang coldstorage

Service Ac

Cara mendeteksi kerusakan Ac Panasonik Inverter

1.Arahkan remote ac ke indoor ac
2.tekan tombol on/off untuk menghidupkan ac
3.Aktifkan tombol interrogate dengan menekan tombol timer up/ chek selama 5 detik
4.display akan muncul huruf H  sbga tanda bahwa mode interrogate sudah aktif

5.selanjutnya tekan tombol timer up/down,jika terdengar bunyi buzzer/ bip sekali itu artinya normal,namun jika terdengar bunyi 4x berturut turut itu pertanda ada trouble.dan lihat di display remote akan muncul kode kerusakan.

kode-kode trouble pada ac inverter panasonic
H 11 =Comunication failure (faulty wiring or other problem with Id/OD comunication)
H 12 =ID/OD compatibility problem (over or under indexed multi system)
H 14 =indoor air sensor faulty (sensor disconect,faulty or contacts dirty)
H15 =Compressor sensor faulty (sensor disconect,faulty or contacts dirty)
H16 =current transformer problem (power transisitor module or outdoor pcb faulty,or low gas)
H19 = indoor fan motor locked (fan motor of indoor pcb failure)
H21 = float switch operated (chek drainage)
H23 = indoor pipe sensor faulty (sensor disconect,faulty or contacts dirty)
H27 = outdoor air sensor faulty (sensor disconect,faulty or contacts dirty)
H28 = outdoor pipe sensor faulty ( sensor disconect,faulty or contacts dirty)
H30 =outdoor discharge sensor 1 faulty ( sensor disconect,faulty or contacts dirty)
H32 = outdoor discharge sensor 2 faulty ( sensor disconect,faulty or contacts dirty)
H 33 =incorrec conection voltage (indoor or outdoor incorrec or faulty wiring)
H34 = outdoor heatsink sensor faulty ( sensor disconect,faulty or contacts dirty)
H36 = outdor gas sensor faulty ( sensor disconect,faulty or contacts dirty)
H37 = outdoor liquid sensor faulty (sensor disconect ,faulty or contacts dirty)
H39 = indoor abnormal operation (incorrect piping or exspansion valve problrm)
H41 =abnormal wiring or piping (wiring or piping crossed on a  twin system)
H97 =outdoor fan failure (outdoor fan motor or pcb failure)
H98 = indoor coil overheat [heat mode] (dirty filters indoor coil. very hight room temperature)
H99 = indoor coil de-ice [cool mode] (dirty filters indoor coil.low gas charge or low ambient temperature)
F11 =reversing valve failure (faulty reversing valve,coil or outdoor pcb)
F17 =stanbay units frezzing (multi only.exspansion valve leakage)
F90 =pfc failure (problem with inverter or compressore)
F91 =refrigerans cycle problem ( low gas or blockage)
F93 = compressor abnormal revolution ( compressore runing incorectly)
F95 = outdoor coil over heat [cool mode] ( dirty condensor coil, low gas or blockage)
F96 =ipm or compressore overheating (excess or low gas charge or dirty heat exchangers)
F97 =high discharge / compressor temperature ( low gas charge or failled compressor)
F98 =over current protection (outdoor heat exchanger problem.excess gas)
F99 =DC overcurrent protection (outdoor pcb,power transistor or compressor failure)

jika sudah ketemu kerusakannya segera perbaiki atau ganti sparepart yang rusak..